The MixW control for work in RUSSIAN WW Digital Contest


1.      Download the file and extract the files StatsRusWWDigi.dll, Ext_rus_digi.exe, to the Plugins folder and extract the file cty.dat only to the MixW folder.

The archive contains: 1) the statistics module StatsRusWWdigi.dll, 2) Ext_rus_digi.exe file of operating switch mode, 3) an example of macros suitable for use during the contest, 4) cty.dat - country list.


This folder is created at MixW installation by default (if you agreed with MixW offers on installation)


for version 2.19 in the MixW folder,


- for version 2.20 and above:


- for WinXP in the C:\Documents and Setting\user\Application Data\MixW folder


- for Vista, Win7 and above C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\MixW


2.      We start MixW. We choose from the main menu "View"  "Contest Mode"  (Fig. 1)




Fig. 1

3.       There will be a "List Of Contest". We choose "Add New" (Fig. 2).




Fig. 2

4.      There will be a window  "contest setting" .     In the field the “Name (Fig. 3) enter the contest name.

In the field of Start enter date and time of the beginning of competitions. In the field of End enter date

            and time of the end of competitions




Fig. 3

In the appeared window Fig.4 choose  RUS-WW-DIGI (C) and click button Select - – thus you will return to the Contest settings

window for competitions (Fig. 5)



Fig. 4


Fig. 5

5.      It is best of all to use macros for each contest. Therefore write them

in advance and put in the Plugins folder. When writing, except usual macros,

you will need five additional macros.

If you decided to use the offered example of macros or wrote, them to connect that time. 

For this purpose to the right of the field Macro press the button with three points (Fig. 5)

There will be a standard form of a choice of the file of Fig. 6 




Fig. 6

6.      Specify a way to necessary macro and press to Open thus you will return the Control window

for competitions (Fig.7)




Fig. 7

7.       Control is ended – we press OK. Thus you will return to fig.8 List of Contest window




Fig. 8


8.      For activation of contest we will choose the test as you called it, in this case RUS-WW-DIGI we

will press to Choose and Close or make a double click on RUS-WW-DIGI there Will be the main MixW

window (Fig.9) in a mode of competitions

For a conclusion of operational statistics press View the Statistics; show contest statistics.

For expeditious switching of the mode it is necessary to activate on the additional panel  (Fig.9).  Setup RUS-WW-DIGI Using-> Switch Mode

For use of the hint mode it is necessary to activate on the Setup RUS-WW-DIGI Using-> Master File

For control of transitions from range to range to activate on the panel Setup RUS-WW-DIGI Using-> Control of change Band

For a conclusion of additional information to activate on the Setup RUS-WW-DIGI View panels and the necessary point for display.

All changes can be carried out at any moment.



Fig. 9

9.      Enjoy RUSS-WW-DIGI !


10.  For creation of the report press the button “glasses” (Fig. 9)

11.Execute actions as on Fig. 10




Fig. 10


12.Press the Display !!! button. There will be a field of the log of Fig.11





                                                              Fig. 11

13.  Allocate all communications and press the Cabrillo button. There will be a form of a choice of formation

of the report of STF or Cabrillo. Choose the necessary form – after that there will be a form of the report of fig. 12




Fig. 12


14.  We fill a form and we press OK.

For cancellation of a mode of the competitions Choose from the Main Menu,

View > the Contest Mode (Fig. 1), further to press No contest (Fig.2)


To choose and Close.  MixW – in a usual mode.